KaneCali Studio
Beauty is a nonviolent experience of near death, a warning that one is fragile, like everything else in the universe.
Timothy Morton, Realist Magic, 2013
All we did was start a fire. - curatorial essay by Andrew Borg Wirth
The work of Kane Calì positions us at the crossroads between several forces and realities — the natural and man-made; the whole and the fragment; the hopeful and the dystopian; our collective past and an unknown future; intention and chance; the digital and the tactile; the pursuit of beauty and the onset of disaster.
What Calì references at the start of his process is the discovery of fire. The energy that has grown since that moment has given agency to humankind for millenia—agency to thrive, to find light, to create warmth, to prepare sustenance. As he creates his work, he is watching images of forest fires destroying the land around us, heat swarming the globe and an anthropocene that is unable to escape its reliance on fossil fuels.